Our Vision: Soft Click considers the information technology industry and the related services as one of the most important industries that should have a great interest. So, it takes into consideration the importance of developing all the relevant sectors which constitute the whole work system in our Arab society, in terms of:
- Providing IT solutions and consulting services for each member working in these sectors by Multi-Languages – at least – including Arabic.
- Meet the needs of Arab users of integrated solutions due to his/her specificity of cultural.
- Create employment opportunities in the region would raise the rates of development. This vision is confirmed by the nature of the founding members, where nature is not the nature of capital (investors), but they are a set of experiences that believes that investing in people is the most important sources of the individual or national income; so we hope through this entity that Soft Click will become:
- One of the top ten leading companies in the IT industry and provide quality solutions in Egypt by 2015.
- Should be classified as one of the top 20 leading companies in the IT industry and provide quality solutions in the Middle East and North Africa by 2020.
- An exclusive agent of the global products in the Middle East and North Africa.
- Ally commercially for the world’s largest companies.
- A strong competitor in IT industry and related services.